We are four creatives, motivated to showcase the creatively, socially, politically and culturally conscious work of all identities and experiences. Our mission is to stimulate resistance, empathy and conversation. Pink Salt believes in the social necessity to create, communicate and uplift. We exist to call forth artists and innovators fueled by a shared, genuine interest in supporting the community we love. By actively recognizing the connections we make between place and person, we function as a platform from which creative minds can collaborate and grow.
Our Story
Pink Salt, like all activist entities wasn't founded over night; or... maybe it was. One late night in Milwaukee, WI, two women were driven indoors by the frigid Milwaukee air and found themselves talking. Both women had a desire to form a collective aimed at social engagement within the arts. Fast forward a month and those same two women were meeting weekly at a local coffee shop to bring their vision into reality.
Messages were sent, calls were made and in the span of a few short weeks, today's Pink Salt members were brought together in a wood paneled dining room left to select a name for their endeavor. During this process it was clear each member wanted the collective's name to correlate to a relevant acronym. After much back and forth "P.S." was the acronym of choice because of its ability to say "but there's more" and "we're not finished". In a moment of lightheartedness, one member shouted "Pink Salt". A few quick google searches later, it was learned that pink Himalayan sea salt is the purest form of salt on the market (because of its lack of exposure to pollution) and according to Urban Dictionary, salt is a modern translation of bitterness within people. Pink Salt stuck.
Stay up to date with Pink Salt Art Collective at pinksaltartcollective.com